He went to this table with a sort of vivacity, took a key from his pocket, and opened the valise. 他迅速走向圆桌,从口袋中取出一把钥匙,把小箱子打开。
Another option to watch out for is-b, which tells sort to ignore blank characters ( spaces, tabs, etc.) and treat the first non-blank character on the line as the start of the sort key. 另一个要关注的选项是-b,它告知sort忽略空白字符(空格、跳格等等)并将行中的第一个非空白字符当做是排序键的开始。
Notice that the code uses the PHP array_multisort to sort the names of key pairs and security groups. (注意,以上代码使用PHParraymultisort对密匙对和安全组的名称排序)。
If you omit the second number, sort will assume that the key starts at the given field and continues to the end of each line. 如果您省略了第二个数字,那么sort会假定键是从给定的字段开始,一直到每一行的末尾。
When faced with this idea, the temptation is to assume that you need some sort of distribution or replication mechanism that will copy the key/ value pairs between the machines. 有了这个想法后,还有一种想当然是需要使用某种分配或复制机制来在机器之间复制键/值对。
In fact, the use of an index for sort avoidance is a key way to improve the performance of SQL that qualifies far more rows than will actually ever be FETCHed. 事实上,使用一个索引来避免排序的一个关键方法是提高SQL性能,使其比应用FETCH实际获取的行更多。
NOTE: You must sort the column with values used in the key for the@ DBLookup formula. 注意:必须使用在@DBLookup公式的关键字中所使用的值来对列进行排序。
But, as we strip away the boilerplate, we realize that the idiom used for extracting the sort key here, the last name is in itself somewhat convoluted. 但是,由于删除了样板文件,我们意识到,用来提取分类关键字的词语(在这里是姓氏)本身有点让人晦涩难懂。
Sort key length will not be affected unless the strength level is also increased. 这个属性不影响排序键的长度,除非还增加了强度级。
NIFFindByName() searches a collection based on the primary sort key, which is the first column of the view. NIFOpenCollection()根据主要分类键来搜索集合,该键是视图的第一个列。
The same sort of impact may be felt in key Indian river systems. 印度的主要水系可能也会感受到同样的影响。
So it` s sort of a key issue for children and for adults actually to make sure that When we use a software that has more than one language it has to be completely in each language. 所以无论对成人还是儿童来说,这都是关键问题,当我们使用一款宣称拥有多语种的软件时,必须确保它的每一种语言都是完整的。
To counteract radar signal interception system effectively and baffle the sort of radar signal, the key is collocation of EA emitters. 为了阻碍雷达截获系统对雷达信号的有效分选,电子攻击信号源的布站是一个关键。
This is yet another class that supports sorted collection of objects where each sort key must be unique. 这是另外一个可以支持排序的对象集合的类,其中每个排序键必须是唯一的。
Creeping wave is a sort of key problems of the non? mirror surface scattering. 爬行波是非镜面散射问题中的一类重要问题,射线寻迹是求解爬行波散射贡献的关键环节。
Innovation of insurance sort is key to cultivate core competence of Chinese insurance company; The Microsoft spirit is adventurous and innovative. 险种创新是培育中资保险公司核心竞争力的关键微软精神更是一种敢于冒险、于创新的精神。
How to sort the obtained electronic resources is the key of maximizing the profit of PEM. 对获取的电子信息资源分类以实现许可营销的收益最大化是其中的关键技术。
A fast sort scheme is presented to solve the key bottleneck, route active degree sorting, in SOSL with O ( 1) time complexity metrics. 2 tabs. 为SOSL实现中最关键的活跃路由表排序问题提出了一个基于计数器溢出的方案,复杂度为O(1)。
Being a sort of special sightseeing agriculture, the key of Hanan tropical sightseeing agriculture is the development of product. 海南的热带观光农业作为一种特殊的观光农业形式,其健康发展的关键是产品的开发。
Precipitation is not only a kind of essential data to a hydrological or atmospheric numerical model, but also a sort of key information for flood monitoring and warning. 实际估测的区域降水量不仅对进行洪水监测、发布洪水警报起指导作用,而且是各种水文和大气数值模式用到的重要的实测原始资料之一。
IP routing architecture and algorithms of Internet is a sort of key technology. IP网络的路由体系结构及算法是网络有效运行的关键技术。
The synthesis of FM signals is reasonably regarded as one sort of key technique. 因此调频信号的合成就成为了其中关键性的一项技术。
The testing of adsorption/ desorption isothermal curves for coal rock is one sort of technology to obtain key parameters for the reservoir evaluation of coal bed gases. 煤岩吸附/解吸等温曲线测试,是取得煤层气储层评价关键参数的技术之一。
The results showed that in proper technology condition, choosing proper crosslinking agent, initiator, the sort of catalyst and proper dosage is the key to the enhancement of crosslinking and graft. 研究表明,在合理的工艺条件下,选择适宜的交联剂、引发剂和催化剂是提高接枝和交联度的关键。
For OLAP applications to sort the results of the integration of key issues, proposed improved algorithm. 对于OLAP应用中对集成的结果进行排序关键问题,采用改进算法。
Through the sort of risk value, this paper identifies key risk factors of the digital archives project, and then makes a brief discussion on preliminary measures to address key risk. 通过风险值排序,确定数字档案馆项目的关键风险因素,简要提出应对关键风险的初步对策。
As a sort of resource-based industry, the key problem of the sustainable development for the petroleum exploitation enterprises is how to carry out the coordination among the sustainable development of economy, the safety of national energy and the protection of environment. 作为一种资源型产业,石油开采企业可持续发展的核心问题是如何实现经济持续增长、国家能源安全与环境保护三者之间的协调。
Then use hierarchical analysis of the factors affecting the development of the Western Regional Logistics sort, identify the key factors that affect the level of western regional logistics and that the recommendations of the construction of the western regional logistics for these factors. 然后运用层次分析法对影响西部区域物流发展的因素进行排序,找出影响西部区域物流水平的关键因素,并针对这些因素提出建设西部区域物流的一点建议。
AMOS path coefficient by the standard sort of analysis, the key factors affecting revenue in descending order of environmental factors, commodity factors, human factors and other factors. 通过AMOS标准路径系数的排序分析可知,影响营业收入因素的关键性从大到小依次为环境因素、商品因素、人为因素及其他因素。
And then, we analyze and sort the key technologies involved in the cloud computing system. 接着对云计算系统所涉及的关键技术进行了分析和整理。